

Our product return and exchange policy
1. Product return/exchange
1.1. You can return or exchange products purchased from us within 2 calendar days.

1.2. It is necessary to contact us in advance and inform us about the return or exchange of the product.

1.3. When making a return/exchange, you must include the product's identification, order number, date of purchase, date of receipt and specific reason for return.

1.4. If any kind of damage is visible on the product, we reserve the right to refuse to return or exchange the product, or to conduct an investigation and diagnosis within 10 days to confirm this.

1.5. To return/exchange a product, it is necessary to present all its parts and documents.

1.6. Discounted products cannot be exchanged/returned.

2. The product can be returned or exchanged if:
2.1. If the product does not meet the technical specifications posted on our website, in this case the company will return the item and the money will be returned to you;

2.2. The item will be replaced if the product has a factory defect or the item was damaged at the time of delivery. For this, it is necessary to check the item handed over by the courier upon delivery and confirm the quality of the product to the courier, otherwise the damage during transportation cannot be confirmed.

3. Method of reimbursement of transportation cost.
3.1. We will reimburse the shipping costs if:

The product does not comply with the technical specifications posted on our website;
The product has a factory defect or the item was damaged at the time of handover/ for this, it is necessary to check the item handed over by the courier upon delivery and confirm the defect of the product to the courier, otherwise the damage during transportation cannot be confirmed.
4. Terms of product replacement:
4.1. In case of confirmation of the request to change the products, the customer will be provided with an identical product to the returned product within 5-10 working days.

5. Terms of refund of paid amount
5.1. In the event that the purchased product is out of stock in the store, is damaged or for some other reason it is not possible to deliver the purchase (new or similar) within 5 working days, the store undertakes to fully reimburse the paid amount within three working days.